Our certifications

Novatex has always considered the quality of its own processes as top priority, as well as for its products’ quality.
Novatex management believes that such a commitment is fundamental and therefore needs to be certified and entitled by the most recognised accrediting entities. The obtained certificates are available in this section.

Aerial shot of bakles in the fiels rwapped with Novatex net wrap

Certificate of the Quality Management System, in force in Novatex since 29.08.2003.

The UNI EN ISO 9001 standard is aimed at the continuous and constant improvement of a company, whose objective is to optimize its organizational structure. By certifying UNI EN ISO 9001, Novatex intends to demonstrate the high standard of its products and services with the aim of satisfying and build customers loyalty over time.

Visualize the document UNI EN ISO 9001

Certificate of the Security Management System, in force in Novatex since 10.10.2013.

By the UNI ISO 45001 Certificate, Novatex demonstrates that the company meets the required law standards that provide guidance on appropriate occupational health and safety management system, in order to prevent accidents and health problems.

Visualize the document UNI ISO 45001

Certificate of the Environmental Management System, in force in Novatex from 27.11.2020.

For over forty years, Novatex has been working in agriculture promoting the sustainability of agricultural practices and promoting the right balance between man and nature.
By certifying itself as UNI EN ISO 14001, Novatex intends to demonstrate that the company meets the standards required, guarantees compliance with laws, and proves correctness in respect of the environment.

Visualize the document UNI EN ISO 14001

Through this document, Novatex Italia management commits itself with implementing an integrated management system for quality, safety processes, environmental and occupational health and accomplishes long-lasting improvement of the system, taking responsibility of its own effectiveness-efficiency

For over 20 years PRS has been organizing the controlled reuse and shared use of CP type pallets for the European polymer industry. PRS Green Label is the awarded recognition to all the network parties that actively contribute to this truly long-standing circular model.

Visualize the PRS Green Label 2024

Visualize the PRS Green Label 2023

Visualize the PRS Green Label 2022

Visualize the PRS Green Label 2021